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Reviews on the Real: Jared Daws Invites Us Back to Appalachian Roots with Soulful New Single ‘Come on Home'

Nicole Brice

Sep 16, 2024

‘Come On Home’ is an upbeat and heartfelt anthem.

Music truly can transport us to different places and times if the lyrics, vibe, and tone are just right. Enter Louisiana country artist Jared Daws, who has just released his latest, ‘Come on Home,’ an upbeat homage to rural country life and the relaxation that comes with it.

The track has a strong opening that leads to crisp, clean vocals and a toe-tapping, head-nodding sound. With sing-along choruses and an incredible mix, Jared has managed to craft a feel-good song full of nostalgia and longing. Yes, just take me back to Appalachia, please.

With a tinge of Louisiana flavor, Jared’s voice resonates with soul and strength. His vocals alone draw you into a song full of emotion that never lets up. This is truly an enjoyable track.

The video, which was released on September 13, 2024 and is available on YouTube, paints a vivid visual and truly brings the entire song to life.

We were able to ask Jared a few questions so you can get a better feel for his newest tune. Check out our conversation below.


MaM: Tell us a little about the inspiration behind your latest release, 'Come on Home'. What is the song about? How long did it take you to write the track?


JD: Come on Home’ is a tune about just getting back to your roots and doing the things that inspire you. For me, that’s being out in nature. Just breathing the air and hearing the sounds of the woods does something for me. The song came about from a little riff I wrote. From there, it all came together quickly. My buddy Pat Lyons, who plays for Colter Wall, helped me shape it up a bit, and it all came together from there.

Jared Daws
Credit: Cherish Ann / Memory Lane Photography

MaM: Where was the new music recorded, and what are your plans for the rest of 2024 into 2025?

JD: We recorded this tune in Nashville at The Owl studio in Berry Hill. A huge thanks to Pat Lyons (Colter Wall), Solly Levine (ex-Colter Wall, Noeline Hofmann), Preston Wait (Brothers Osborne), Geoff Henderson, Mitch Furr, and Katie Lang for helping me make this record! For 2024, we will just be ripping some gigs and getting ready to tour in 2025!

MaM: What inspires you to create the music that you love?


JD: Honestly, it all comes from my life experiences. I’ve dealt with and seen a lot in 30 years. Music helps make good and bad memories exist in a space where I can utilize their power. Being able to take a bad memory and turn it into something I enjoy or use a good memory and make it even better with music helps me out a ton mentally.

Jared Daws
Credit: Black Heart Media / Tayler Blackhart

MaM: How would you describe the music you typically create?

JD: They say country music is three chords and the truth. Most of my music has more than three chords, but that is true. So, I guess we will call it “country for the most part.” I just make what feels right, and it typically walks the line of country, folk, & Americana. It doesn’t matter what ya call it; I need ya to listen!

MaM: Are there any musicians or bands you'd like to share the stage with in the future? If so, who?

JD: The list would take up every bit of the space allotted for this interview, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. Sierra Ferrel, who, in my opinion, is the new-age queen of Americana music. Tyler Childers, for sure, as well. His sound is so raw, and I love that he’s just genuinely him. Lastly, I’ll say Chris Stapleton. That man has the soul of three generations inside of him. To make music with him would be an honor.

MaM: We saw that you just released an album in January 2024. What are your plans for new material? Are you going to continue promoting your catalog, or do you have plans to push forward with new stuff?

JD: I’ll always promote my catalog because I am proud of those songs. However, I see myself pushing my newer music more because it shows where I am currently in life. I’m living in the moment more these days, so pushing the music that’s with me right then and there is very important to me. I have a lot more music coming showcasing what life has been like lately, and I’m super excited and proud of it.



Come on Home' is a soothing, calming, relaxing song full of harmony that makes you think of campfires, hanging out, telling stories, and just the good times, so be sure to stream it today on your favorite streaming platform and catch Jared Daws live this fall at a venue near you.

For more information on Jared Daws:

*Cover photo by Cherish Ann / Memory Lane Photography

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