Keeley Brooks
Dec 5, 2022
The Pastor of Horror
So, sometimes there are men, and then sometimes, there’s a man … with such a fascinating story, you can’t help but stop and have to know the deets. Such is the case with a recent horror author I stumbled up by sheer happenstance, and I’m so glad I did, because I’ve been bursting with excitement to spotlight him ever since.
His name is Ezekiel Kincaid, also known as—I’m not kidding—“The Paranormal Pastor” and “The Pastor of Horror.” And that’s what makes him so fascinating (aside, of course, from the fact that he’s a very talented writer): he’s a pastor writing horror fiction.
Let me say that again: a pastor writing horror fiction … fiction involving demonic spirits and exorcisms, hauntings and slayings, and innocent characters of visceral bloody terror.
His work is so fantastic, it pulled me right in while cooking breakfast over the weekend, and I managed to burn my bacon to a crisp and set off the fire alarm, because I was fully distracted at listening to Zeke read an excerpt from the second book in his “The Dreadful Death” series, “The Gathering.” “The Dreadful Death” series is a three-book series put out by Raven Tale Publishing and, if it’s being described in movie terms, “is a mix of The Exorcist, Carrie, and Pan’s Labyrinth,” says Kincaid.
“It’s a possession story about … a young girl [who also] has psychic abilities, and [she] opens herself up to this world where there are all kinds of creatures and demons, and some of these guardian demons are protecting her so she can fulfill her destiny of meeting this dark entity, The Tetromet,” describes Zeke.
Set in the early 1800s in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, “The Gathering” tracks this young girl’s life as she descends deeper and deeper into darkness and madness, until finally the evil takes full control of her and she unleashes demonic terror upon her family, her friends, her loved ones, and her town. And that’s just the second book in the series.
Kincaid is a self-described southern boy, born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He spent over 20 years in ministry as a pastor before shifting his focus to chaplaincy … and horror writing. He’s also (get this) a paranormal investigator with some pretty unexplainable experiences that’ll leave you as speechless as they did me. Dude is gifted, in more ways than one. And he trains in martial arts—Krav Maga and Jiu Jitsu, to be exact—so, in addition to exorcising demons, he also whips their ass.
Zeke has three theological degrees and is an avid student of theology, philosophy, physics, and evolutionary science. (I know; it’s so amazing, I can barely believe it myself.) He’s also a, “former addict, who now uses his story to help encourage [and ensure] victory in others with the disease of addiction," and he has a "deep-seated passion for social justice and those who have been marginalized and oppressed."
“Having been given the Scarlett letter by many in the former denomination I was ordained in because of my writing," he says, "I can empathize with those who have been rejected, ostracized, or condemned for their beliefs.”
I had the extreme pleasure of getting to rap with Zeke over several in-depth conversations, so I figured I’d lay that Q&A down right here and let you see for yourselves just why you should not only know who Ezekiel Kincaid is but also why you should be following, reading, and supporting him as the brilliant artist he is.
KB: So Zeke, tell us about yourself. Who are you, really?
EK: Having walked through enough trials for six lifetimes, I am a man of deep strength, passion, conviction, love, empathy, courage, mercy, grace, and compassion. I also have a very dark sense of humor and love watching it get me into awkward social interactions. The worst thing anyone can try to do is fit me into a mold. I have a tendency to bust the edges.
KB: Have you always been a writer?
EK: I’d like to think so. When I was in first grade, I wrote this epic story for class about how my dog takes a crap. I got a C on it, but I’m pretty sure that was because my content was looked down upon. So, people have tried to censor me for decades! My parents didn’t know about it, because it was an in-class assignment. When they asked me why I wrote a story about my dog’s feces, I replied, “The teacher said to write about what we know.”
KB: Ha! You can't tell a writer to write what they know, then condemn them for their subject matter! So, when did your skills fully emerge, and when did your love for horror begin?
EK: My writing skills began to emerge in my creative writing class … in high school. This class, mixed with my English Literature classes and love for horror novels, began to birth within me a love for writing. It wasn’t until I got into seminary (the first time) that I really developed a real heart for writing. My passion for theological and doctrinal study led me to a deep desire to dissect, investigate, and share my findings with others. After years of writing theology and poetry, I decided to explore my other passion–horror fiction. Around 2018 I decided to give it a go.
This season really developed my skill as a technical writer. However, once I started to get published in horror fiction, I met Lisa Vasquez. She is an author and CEO for Stitched Smile Publications. She began to mentor me and bring out hidden talents I never knew were there. She still helps me [to] this day, and we remain close friends. I pretty much owe all that I am as a horror writer to Lisa and her investment in me.
KB: Do you write anything other than horror fiction?
EK: I also love to dabble in poetry. This desire was also developed in high school through my creative writing and English classes. Currently, I find myself hopping back and forth [between] horror fiction, theology, and poetry. I love being able to switch gears like this. It keeps my brain active and my creativity fresh. I am also diving into the realms of horror fantasy and science fiction.
KB: What drew you to the horror genre?
EK: Two life-changing events happened in my childhood to get me into horror. First was watching the movie The Demon Murder Case with none other than … Kevin Bacon. It was a made-for-TV movie that came out in 1983, but I didn’t see it for the first time until I was [six]. Fans of The Conjuring series will recognize it as the inspiration for the latest installment, The Devil Made Me Do It. The show was based on one of the controversial Warren’s case files. This movie scared the lemon-yellow childhood pee out of me. I probably shouldn’t have watched it at [six] years old, but it definitely birthed my love for horror.
The second event was my viewing of another made-for-TV movie called The Midnight Hour, made in 1985. If The Demon Murder Case birthed my interest in demonic possession, then this movie is the origin of my love for witches, zombies, and vampires.
[High school is] where my love for horror went into overdrive. A steady dose of horror flicks finally merged with my introduction to Stephen King, Clive Barker, and William Peter Blatty books. My appreciation for the genre has done nothing but evolve and grow since then.
KB: What was your first published piece/book?
EK: My first published story was actually the first horror story I ever wrote called “Call of the Tetromet” with Fantasia Divinity [Magazine]. My first novelette to get published was also the first one I ever wrote. It’s called “The Memoir of Darius Fischer” and was published by Grinning Skull Press. The same goes for the first novel I ever wrote. It’s a horror comedy called “Johnny Walker Ranger: Demon Slayer.” It was picked up in 2020 by Stitched Smile Publications.
KB: Are you with an agent/publisher at the moment?
EK: Right now, I’m seeking an agent for my current horror/fantasy book called “The Gospel of Lilith.” I’ve been published by Fantasia Divinity, LVP, Grinning Skull, Stitched Smile, Raven Tale, Crystal Lake (Patreon), Black Hare Press. Shackelbound Books, Ghost Orchid Press, Siren’s Call, Horror Bound, Puzzle Box Horror, Jakob’s Horror Box, Horror Bites, and Hellbound Books.
KB: Tell me about your books. As much as you wanna tell us, we wanna know.
EK: Let’s start with “Johnny Walker Ranger: Demon Slayer.” This book was birthed from my love of The Evil Dead franchise, rednecks, and “South Park.” It follows a redneck alcoholic who discovers the secret to actually killing demons. He forms a demon-killing team full of rednecks and emos called The Bruce Campbells. With the help of Gabriel the angel, they have to stomp out a demon outbreak in Oxford, MS, that Johnny single-handedly created. If you love Evil Dead-style horror and offensive humor, this is the book for you.
KB: That’s definitely my kind of book! What about “The Dreadful Death” series?
EK: Currently in “The Dreadful Death” series, [there are] “The Dawning” and “The Gathering.” Book three is still forthcoming. The series follows a young girl named Theodosia Whitfield into a depth of horror like you’ve never read before. [This is the book that is compared to] a mixture of The Exorcist, Carrie, and Pan’s Labyrinth. The story takes place in the early 1800s in North Carolina. Theo is being groomed in preparation to serve a dark entity called The Tetromet. Because of her gifts, there are other creatures lurking in the Ethereal Plane that want her. To keep her safe, a demonic guardian named Hophni is sent to protect her from these monsters and make sure she fulfills her calling to The Tetromet. As Theo descends into the darkness, the evil she unleashes on those around her is malicious and insidious. The series is full of visceral, nightmarish imagery, intense, complex characters, and thought-provoking, realistic dialogue. Readers have said the story is like a cinematic experience in novel form.
[As far as] “The Memoir of Darius Fischer,” anytime a writer takes on a well-known genre, they have to make sure there are enough original ideas to keep it fresh. This is the case with this novelette. Darius’s grandfather is dead, and he has left behind a myriad of secrets, one of those being a lone chest in his attic loft. Within it lies secrets so dark, they take Darius Fischer down a road of no return. Written in the style of Darius Fischer’s journal entries and his psychologist’s session notes, the story provides an original take of lycanthropy but also stays true to all the things we have come to love about the folklore.
KB: Do you have anything in the works?
EK: Yes, lots! First, I’ll mention the book I’m querying agents for, “The Gospel of Lilith.” This book is a horror/fantasy that combines the Hebrew and occult mythos of Lilith, along with a little made-up Zeke mythos thrown in there. The book shows how, through heartbreak, misogynist oppression, and betrayal, Lilith becomes the creature that we know her as today. It bears to mention that I do not go the traditional route with making Lilith an origin story of vampires. So no, this is not a vampire novel … but the next one I’ll mention is!
“The Vengeful Lambs.” This one is a novella that I am sending out to publishers now. The story follows Sampson and Ruth as they travel the New Mexico desert after an encounter with a vampire. The story combines the claustrophobic feel of Phantasm and the grit of From Dusk till Dawn, along with some supernatural elements and Lilith mythos thrown in. Like my werewolf story, this one gives a fresh, original take on vampires, while also staying true to some of the things we have come to love about these creatures of the night.
Speaking of night, let’s talk about another upcoming novelette of mine called “Night of the Blood Cum.” Yes, you read that right, and it is exactly what you think. It is about a giant, demonic sperm that wreaks havoc on a redneck family from Alabama. In an unforeseen event, the jizz of an ancient Warlock drips on a Ouija board. The demon sperm is born and if not stopped, all humanity will succumb to its wrath. The only hope is a redneck named Jim. Aided by the ghost of his dead buddy Earl (who died in a bungee jumping accident from stringing old underwear bands together), Jim must find a way to kill the sperm and make it sterile. Fans of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil-style horror will love this story. Coming soon from Godless.
KB: Dude, you are utterly fascinating. Any upcoming appearances where fans can find you?
EK: I’m a regular on the panel for the Professional Paranormal Research YouTube channel. You can find me there a few times a month. Over the past two months, I’ve done shows with Citywide Blackout, Raven Tale Publishing, The Magical World of G. Michael Vassey, AfterRot, and Panic Room Radio. I’ll be back on Ghostly Talk for the third time this January, talking to them about the paranormal and my recent and upcoming releases.
KB: Any new or upcoming releases?
EK: Yes! In 2023, “The Mourning,” book three of “The Dreadful Death” series will be released, as well as “Johnny Walker Ranger: Demon Slayer, Vol. 2.”
KB: What’s next for Ezekiel Kincaid?
EK: In February, my fiancée, my kids, and I will be going to Kentucky again to join Dustin from Professional Paranormal Research to do another investigation. I’m also hoping to get an agent soon, as well as expand my audience by finding new shows to appear on. I also have some new stories and books that I’m preparing to write: “One Flesh” (psychological/body horror), “The Whore House Massacre” (1970’s grindhouse-style horror), “The Tetromet Tapes” (found footage-based novella in my Theodosia/Tetromet universe), and “The Man in Black” (next book that chronologically takes place after “The Dreadful Death” series). There’s more, but I’m not giving away all my secrets.
So there you have it, folks. Right from The Paranormal Pastor / Pastor of Horror’s mouth. You can find him, his books, his interviews and recordings, and his congregation online at https://theparanormalpastor.square.site, Amazon, Twitter @EzekielKincaid, and Instagram @ezekielkincaid.
Happy reading, bookworms!
Questions or comments? Email the_keeleybrooks@mixedaltmag.com.